Andrew Abbott's Blog

Monday, 15 June 2015

If the shoe fits. Ballet Cymru.

Cinderella at the LPAC.

Normally an evening out watching Cinderella would entail shouting “he’s behind you” and “oh no your not” but it was the ballet this time, a genre well received in Lincoln and it was another virtually full auditorium at the LPAC on Sunday to see Wales’ finest prancers.

This was a relatively minimalist production, fairly traditional but with a stripped down musical accompaniment and quite a small troupe so no big finale which you usually get with a ballet but charming all the same and very well received by the audience of mainly mums with young daughters, mums with older daughters, culture vultures like us and a good smattering of ladies of a certain age with very well defined calves, worth it just for those calves.

There was a bit of a twist to the usual Brothers Grimm tale in that there was an ugly sister and a brother, he provided some good comedy in the scene where the ugly sisters try on the glass slipper, except it was a ballet pump and there was only one sister and I have to say if she was ugly there must be some damn good looking girls in Wales.

It’s a sign of a good night that it seems to be over before it’s begun, that’s certainly how it seemed at the LPAC as the production rattled through. There were ice creams at the interval and only £2, Theatre Royal please note. Of ice cream there were none at the last ballet at the Royal, we had to hoof it round to Tesco Express and when there are they’re certainly not that cheap.

So all in all a very good nights’ entertainment. We saw an old school friend of my wife’s at the show and she said she couldn’t get her husband to go, well that’s his loss. Good looking ugly sisters, ice cream at £2 (Dennett’s as well) and those shapely calves. What’s not to like?

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