Andrew Abbott's Blog

Friday, 13 July 2012

Lincolnshire this week.

They say no publicity is bad publicity but recent efforts by East Lindsey District Council to drum up interest in Skegness has attracted criticism from the resort itself. The unflattering photos of Brighton and Blackpool, intended to highlight the charms of our own Skeggy and promote the town as a conference venue has embarrassed the town council who were not consulted over the enterprise. Councillor Gary Ellis said: "I don't know how the businesses of Skegness really feel about it, but my concern is we are a quality product, we offer what we offer and we shouldn't go throwing stones at other areas.

"It's got publicity but it's not quality publicity. If you are going down that route please don't do it on my behalf; as a Skegness resident I don't like it."

Councillor Danny Brookes said: "I thought it was outrageous Skegness Town Council wasn't consulted. I think it shows a lack of respect from East Lindsey, we are supposed to work together."

Earlier, during the public forum session, resident Ray Beardsley described the campaign as "appalling" and added: "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Skegness Mayor, Councillor Mark Anderon said he was left "ashamed and embarrassed" by the publicity that had been created, adding: "The communications team at EDLC are out of control."

Talking of our favourite slot-orama, Skegness might soon be able to market itself as the sunshine capital of the east coast as a giant solar energy plant is proposed for a farm at Croft. A spokesman for Juwi Renewable Energies said:-

"We are only using Grade Three to Five land, we don't want to take good land out of the food cycle. With this, the PV park can cohabit with agricultural use well so you can still have sheep grazing on there so the farmer can still use that land.

"From the point of view of Skegness, people associate it with being bracing. We are hoping people will be able to say it's got to be sunny because it's got a solar park, so there's maybe some news for tourism there."

A North Hykeham nun wants to erect a 7 metre high illuminated cross in her garden. Sister Mary Michael says the idea for the structure, for which planning permission has been sought, came from on high:-

"I believe in the power of prayer," she said.

"These crosses are built so that people are to come to them and you don't have to advertise it really.

"So basically they are really to bring people back to loving God and loving their neighbour.”

The neighbours however aren’t so sure and there have been objections.

Sister Mary now no longer lives in a convent but still considers herself a nun said she did not want the cross to annoy her neighbours.

"I don't want that to happen to people but our Lord has specifically asked for it to be lit," she said.

"Today there's wonderful lighting that doesn't have to glare in people's bedrooms."

Rescuers who saved an Icelandic seal have had a frosty response to their efforts to return it to its homeland. Skegness Natureland (Seems to be all happening in Skegness this week) saved the hooded seal from the sea off Chapel St Leonards and were intending to return it to Iceland but authorities there have said she cannot come back in case she carries disease. The seal, named Eve by the sanctuary was originally rescued and rehabilitated by a sanctuary in Germany and released into the wild with a tracking device in the hope she would return home. However Eve headed to Scotland and the Orkney Isles before swimming south to Lincolnshire. Natureland's Duncan Yeadon said: "We've been in contact with the Icelandic embassy who put us onto their version of Defra.

"We eventually heard back that they won't allow us to take her up there, unfortunately.

"It's understandable in a way because they're afraid of her transferring or carrying disease from our waters and infecting the seal population there."

"She's spent the majority of her life in seal sanctuaries and we're concerned she might be a bit too humanised to be released.

"Ideally we would like to release her in the hope she will go back to where she belongs but we wouldn't want to release her and find she is not able to fend for herself."

Natureland will make a decision on Eves future soon.

Well every holiday has to end sometime so it’s goodbye for this week. Have a good weekend.

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