Andrew Abbott's Blog

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Making hay while the sun shines.

We’re all still basking in this, for us City fans, unaccustomed optimism and general feelgood factor. Enthusiasm has continued throughout the summer as evidenced by the fact that season tickets continue to be bought even after the reduced price cut off and the level of interest in the forthcoming pre-season friendly against Lincoln United.

The cynic in me wonders what will happen to all this new found bonhomie and confidence and particularly attendance figures once the inevitable downturn occurs. Hopefully a sea change has occurred with Imps fans and interest in the team will surmount any negativity which would be the result of a setback or two. The likes of Ipswich, Norwich and Burnley to quote a few seem to have mastered that loyalty conundrum, no reason to suppose we should necessarily be any different to them.

Whilst I’m in this, for me, unusual bout of uncertainty the acid test will of course come once the managers decide to cash in their chips and move on to bigger and better things. We can only hope that when that time comes we ourselves will have moved onwards and upwards so that a continuity starts to assert itself due to our enhanced status and we can attract a better quality manager to carry on the good work. That’s where fan loyalty comes in both from the point of the selling power of the club and also maintaining the confidence of the board to continue investing.
One hope in that regard is that maybe the next manager is already at the club, watching and learning. Knowing what we do about the Cowleys and the board I don’t think that’s too forlorn a hope.

In the meantime of course everything seems to be proceeding according to plan even given that some of our squad players have moved on. There was an inevitability about that but those players do, I’m sure leave with our best wishes.

We the fans are the constant in all this although there is an admirable continuity emanating from the board with new additions added all the time making their own financial and expertise contribution. As for us, we need to keep what we’re doing. It’s not too much to ask for our support whilst it’s all going so well. The trick will be to continue if it all goes a bit pear shaped. Are you up for the challenge?

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